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National Service Scheme


The motto of NSS is 'Not me But You' This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service. It is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums . It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are :

  • Understand the community in which they work.
  • Understand themselves in relation to their community.
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving.
  • Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  • Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problem.
  • Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities.
  • Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
  • Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
  • Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Practice national integration and social harmony


Few Students of B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) 2nd year, of JIMS ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL CAMPUS has performedNSS activity on 05th February 2018, named SHIKSHA EK MATRA LAKSHYA. The student activity was regarding awareness of slum students about studies and its importance. The activity was under the guidance of Ms. Tanmeet Kaur and with the permission of head of department of ECE Dr. R.K.Rajotiya.

This event took place at a local park beside EXPO MART, Greater Noida, NCR. The children of Tugalpur village slum participated in it. This event continued for near about 4 hours. The main moto of the event was to make the slum kids know the importance of studies in their day to day life and in their future.

The volunteers for the event was Vaibhavi Prerna, Pragya Sharma, Naveen Tiwari, Harmanpreet kaur, Amanpreet kaur, Gargi Gupta, Nikita Singh, and Kartik Yadav.The volunteers first went to the venue, made the setup and went to the slum, called kids to participate in the event by taking permission from their parents, 53 kids were present during the activity. In the beginning an introduction session was initiated. Then some questions regarding education was asked from all the kids such as who do go to school? Do they like to study? Are they willing to study ? etc. According to their responses our unit made them know the meaning of education in their life and their development. They made them understand that how education can uplift them in every possible manner. After the awareness part the children were given a sheet of paper to draw their own imagination.

The little once who were not able to make it by their own we helped them to imagine or to trace down their imagination. The children who made the best drawings were awarded with gifts. After a long sitting time, to make them a bit more excited they were made to dance on various Bollywood songs. Then it was time for more awareness, this time it was about their personal life. Awareness about good touch and bad touch (sexual harassment). As most of them were small they don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong and hence needed to be awared of this uncommon topic among them. The crew made them understand this sensitive topic very gently. Finally it was time for some fun, so they played passing the parcel. After a lot of activity it was time for vanishing there hunger. So, we distributed samosa and biscuits to every child present there. Now it was time for dispersal so we had a bit of surprise for the kids, in form of return gifts. The gift was one pen and one (three in one) notebook for each and every child present there (i.e. 53 kids).


We students of ECE2ndyear JIMS ENGINEERING ANDMANAGEMENT TECHNICAL CAMPUS performed “FEEDING HOMELESS AND DONATING CLOTHES “NSS activity under the guidance of Ms Tanmeet Kaur and with the permission of Head ofDepartmentof ECE Dr. R.N.RAJOTIYA. The activity involved feeding the children those who live in slum area near our college premises. We also lent a helping hand to the people living there by donating clothes. All the students keenly and very enthusiastically started assembling clothes from past 2 to 3 weeks so as they can contribute a little for the poor and needy and spread smiles all the way through. The activity continued for near about three hours. The main motto of our activity was to spread smiles on each and every face.

The volunteers headed towards the location, made the setup. We arranged chole chawal for around 50 to 70 kids with the help of our college canteen cook. We bought the paper plates and plastic spoons for serving the meal. We made the children to sit there and served them meal. They seemed very excited, loved the chole chawal. The smile we received is worth billions. Later we moved to clothes distribution, they were so amazed to receive the clothes, seeing their happiness and contentment we felt blessed. We all did it with a big heart and returned to college with a big smile.


We Students of ECE 2nd year of JIMS EngineeringManagement Technical Campus has performedNSS activity named FOOD DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY on 3rd February 2018 in Gurudwara Bangla Sahib andoutside the Hanuman mandir of CP in a group of 5 students. Our main aim is to provide food to the needy people and we very well known that there is no better place than Gurudwara for distributing food to the maximum people. We performed this activity under the guidance of Ms Tanmeet Kaur and with permission of Head of Department of ECE Dr. R. N. Rajotiya.By keeping in mind the budget of our group we provide 20 kg flour, 10 kg of pulses and 10 kg of rice to gurudwara for langar and after that we also did seva(distribute food in the langar) in gurudwara.

Prior to food distribution one young man taught us how to distribute food in a fast and secure manner as there are many people present there. What an experience it was! After that we went to hanuman mandir and distribute bananas, rice and flour to approximately 25 needy people sitting outside the temple. They gave us blessing and the smiles on the kid’s faces were precious. Apart from thiswe clicked some pictures with them and finally came back with peace and satisfaction which can’t be explained in words. Also our group decided to continue this type of activity in future at different places.


It takes one tree to make thousands of matches but it takes one match to burn thousands of trees. Keeping the fact that, our nature is getting destroyed day by day, in mind we the students of ECE 2ND YEAR conducted a plantation campaign under the scheme of NSS and also under the guidance of our mentor Ms. Tanmeet kaur ma’am on 3 Feb 2018 who constantly guided us throughout the activity.

Trees are one of the most important gift that nature has given us that not only provide us with oxygen but also numerous life essential products that are useful not only to human beings but also to animals.We must always take the responsibility to take care of our nature since it is giving us the life that we are living. But in reality, this is not happening.

Global warming is or will be one of the greatest threats for the destruction of human race and the major contribution to this is cutting trees every hour every second of the day.According to a survey, 30 lakh trees are cut down every day. It is not at all astonishing! Is it?

Climate changes, global warming is some of the examples of what we are doing to our mother earth.Hence, in order to start saving our earth from further destruction, we went for plantation drive in an NGO. The reason for choosing NGO was only for taking care of plants so that they grow into full-fledged trees.

Firstly, we all took some seeds and gardening instruments with us to NGO. The faculty of NGO was really supportive who constantly guided us throughout the act. We dug the earth, sowed the seeds in it, then covered it with soil and finally gave it some water.The people over there and we are really taking care of them and the saplings are growing fast.

We felt a sense of satisfaction after doing this activity because there has to be someone in order to give a kick start. And as students we are taught from very 1 std that we must all take care of our nature and now that have we done that it feels really great.


Students of ECE 2nd year performed cleanliness drive near to college campus on 20th March 2018


Students of ECE 2nd year students performed NSS activity named ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS PROGRAM near INDIA GATE on 24 March 2018


Students of ECE 2nd year performed a NSS activity on women safety at a park in Greater Noida on 27th March 2018