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Rotract Club

Rotract Club

Rotaract Club of JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus

Faculty Adviser : Mr. NitinTyagi, Assistant Professor (ECE)
President : ABHISHEK KUMAR( 3rd Year, B.Tech. (ECE)
Secretary : RISHAV KUMAR( 3rdYear,B.TECH. (ME)
Treasurer : DEEPTI KUMARI( 3rd Year, B.Tech.(ECE)
Director Planning : PRADYUMAN KUMAR(3rdYear,B.TECH.)
Director Media /Report : HARDIK SETH ( 3rdYear, B.Tech.) :HARSHITA GANDHI(3rdYEAR B.TECH.)
Faculty Adviser : Mr. DhruvKumar, Assistant Professor (ME)
Vice-President : CH AISHWARYA (3rdYear , BBA LLB)
Assistant Secretary : TANVI SATI(3rd Year, B.Tech. (ECE)
Treasurer : PRIYA SALONI (3rdYear,B.Tech.(ME)
Director Execution : VIPUL KUMAR( 3rd Year, BA LLB)
Creative Head : Arth Nangia( 2nd Year, B.Tech,CSE)


Club Administration
Public relation
Service Projects


Club Administration

ISHA (2nd Year, BBA LLB)


Mr. Pradyuman (2ndYear,

Public Relation

Itika Sharma(2ND year, BA LLB)
YASH (2ND year, BBA LLB)

Service Projects

SAUMYA JAIN (3rdYear ,
ANKIT SUNEJA (3rd Year ,




Head: Ms. Harshita Gandhi(3rd Year ,B.Tech)


The 4th Friday of 2018’ August embarked an interactive Guest Lecture on importance of water conservation and its implementation.

‘Jal Chaupal’ a well-known gathering for Water Conservation was organised by Rotaract Club of JIMS-EMTC, Greater Noida. The resource person for this event were Mr. Ramveer Tanwar and Mr. Vikrant Tongad, who bestowed students with their wisdom on need and ways to preserve water and water bodies. The event started at 1.30 P.M. at Multi-Purpose Hall situated in B.Ed./B.C.A. Block of our college. The event started with honouring our guests with Bouquet of flowers by our Previous club President Mr. Swetabh. This was followed by inviting Mr. Vikrant Tongad to the stage.

Vikrant Tongad is a self-trained environmental conservationist. He started showing inclination towards social work as early as his graduation days. He started working for conservation of environment, water and educating people about it in the year 2010 because the water table of Noida and Gr. Noida was depleting at a fast rate. Mr. Vikrant encouraged students to participate more and more in water saving activities, he explained his vision of implementing water-waste free homes. Students were introduced to a Society called SAFE (Social Action for Forest and Environment). He encouraged students to join societies like SAFE and contribute at least 1-2 hours a week working towards water conservation and spreading awareness.

The Stage was followed by our second resource person Mr. Ramveer Tanwar.

Mr. Ramveer Tanwar, who is an Environmentalist, had been passionate about water conservation during his days as a B. Tech student. During his graduate years, Mr. Tanwar had begun a campaign in Gautam Budhha Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh, urging people to conserve water and to save natural resources like ponds and lakes. ThisInitiative led to the district magistrate recognizingRamveer’s initiative and officially commemorating it by naming it the ‘Jal Chaupal. Mr. Ramveer today, is the appointed district co-coordinator of the 'BhujalSena'initiative by the government of Uttar Pradesh. This helps reaching out to larger numbers ofpeoples. Mr. Tanwar explained the disappearance of Wetlands in Gautam Budh Nagar. He quoted “Initially there were 702 wetlands in Greater Noida and they are reduced to just 6”.He showed with help of Presentation that how Wetlands were affected He further explained that how absence of Wetlands effects our biodiversity.

Mr. Tanwar showed students that Jal-chaupal is an innovative way to include the common masses and make them aware of existential water crisis of the world. The Guest lecture concluded with Mr. Tanwar encouraging students to go and visit Wetlands and Start small but effective initiatives to prevent water loss.

At the end of Lectures by both of our Resource persons a Momento was awarded by our New Club President Miss. Vanshika to our Guests as token of love and respect with hope that, They will remember our hospitality for rest of their life.

Investitures Ceremony started next, all the Winners, Runners-Up, Organisers and Volunteers were awarded certificate of appreciation by our Mr. Dhruv Singh, Mr. Nitin Tyagi, Mr Sandeep Gupta and Mr. Chandrashekar for the following events:

  • Swach Bharat Abhiyan
  • Rotary Blood Bank
  • Debate Competition
  • Poster Making Competition

The ending of event was marked by Vote of Thanks.

DAY 1 - "Campus Cleanliness Drive"

Swachhta Pakhwada celebration started with Campus Cleanliness Drive on 1st October, 2018 organised by the Rotaract Club event coordinators. Even though the campus was neat and clean but still students along with faculty members had participated in the drive.

The drive took place in the college premises itself and created awareness about the pros of cleanliness across the campus. Forty nine volunteers and the officials took in their hands the important task of educating and implementing the cleanliness norms in the college campus..

The volunteers were provided with a pair of disposable gloves from the point of view of hygiene. Bin bags, dustbins and brooms were used to make the campus plastic free and the biodegradable waste like dried leaves and dead plants were dumped at the back of the college premises for further disposal.

Students the real crusaders of the Clean India Campaign were encouraged during the first day event.

DAY 2 - "Painting Competition"

“Create your own imaginations”

The Rotaract Club organized a painting competition on the theme “Swachhta Pakhwada” on 3rd October,2018 in the college MP HALL, from 1:30pm to 3:30 p.m.

The aim of Painting Competition was to allow students to recognise and develop their own God-given creativity and to create their own ideas under the theme Swachhta Pakhwada. The event saw the participation of 31 students from the campus.

The event was conducted to spread swachhta awareness and implementation across the country with a focus on role of children in taking a leadership role for community led sanitation initiatives through Art .

DAY 3 - "Nukkad Natak/ Street Play"

As a part of the Rotaract Club’s ongoing campaign “swachhta pakhwada” for ensuring proper sanitation and cleanliness, a ‘Nukkad Natak’ (street play) was staged in the premises of the college at 2:30pm on 5th October, 2018.

The 7 student artists from LAW Batch , through the street play titled ‘swachh bharat’ provided a message on inculcating the habit of maintaining cleanliness in the campus.The artists put on an impressive show to highlight the benefits of maintaining cleanliness at public places and also described the magnitude of the problems emerging out of unclean surroundings in the play. They stressed on using dustbin for disposing off the garbage in and around the campus .

All the faculty members and professors were present on the occasion. The enthusiasm from the audience demonstrated the growing need and demand for more community art activities which bring people together.

DAY 4 - "Paper Presentation"

The Rotaract Club organized a paper presentation competition on topic “Swachh Bharat” on 8 th October,2018 in the college MP HALL, B.Ed. building from 1:30pm to 3:30 p.m. The event saw the participation of 14 teams presenting papers on various government policies and each team proved to be better than the other making the competition tough. The event was judged by the very experienced senior faculty members of the college. The judges were impressed by most of the teams and found it very difficult to decide the 3 winners.

The judges were impressed by most of the teams and found it very difficult to decide the 3 winners

DAY 5 - "Debate Competition"

Mahatma Gandhi, the driving force behind the establishment of our nation had a vision to make India clean and sterile and hence the Rotaract Club JEMTEC organized a debate competition to hand out towards awareness apropos of cleanliness and its exigency in our society to honor his dream.

Students from all the departments participated with great enthusiasm ad gusto , the topic of the debate: “Do you think future of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is stable?” Few students spoke for the motion and few had spoken against the motion with valid explanations with authentic data.Students concocted debating material and were first screened by a panel of senior student judges .The panel went extra miles to yearn the best six candidates that were again to compete against one another to elevate the champ. were voted by the jury of faculty judges.

The event took place in the second half of the premises. The Seminar Hall was embellished with posters promoting Swachh Bharat Campaign, spreading awareness to all. The event was scheduled to give out inspiration and awareness towards the need to fight against litter, to make our society clean and safe.

The day was concluded by taking an oath to contribute this fight and to accomplish the vision of the father of our nation by carrying out our duties as responsible citizens

DAY 6 - “Classroom Cleanliness Competition"

The Initial stride towards education is to realize the importance of cleanliness and to keep classrooms and campus clean. Clean classrooms creates best atmosphere for students and teachers and so to scrutinize whether it is an enactment within our centre of learning the Rotaract Club JEMTEC organized a classroom cleanliness competition.

It is very crucial to keep our classrooms clean as it makes our surroundings pleasant and conducive,avoiding those bacteria that upset the apple cart.

The competition was conducted by a group of volunteers under the coordination of Rotaract Club event managers. The classes were evaluated on various parameters, that were maintenance of notice boards, class floor and alignment of benches etc. the classrooms were given an overall score and winning classes were declared.

DAY 7 - "Cleanest hostel room Competition"

"We begin and end each and every day in our rooms".

Cleanest hostel room competition was organised in campus’ Boys Hostel to promote healthy living conditions among the students and to survey the hostel rooms which are clean. This activity was to drive the students towards cleaning their rooms and to live in healthy environment. Swachhta Pakhwada can be well understood by cleaning our nearby surrounding and performing activities which initiates from our own room. It is very important to clean the areas where we live so as to maintain healthy living conditions and prevent the incidence of diseases and the benefits are more i.e. Less Stress, Increase Productivity, Boost Self Esteem, Get your best sleep, Clean Indoor air, More focus, Less incidence of diseases, Healthy environment, Happy environment, Long life etc.

Swatchhta Abhiyan

“Gandhiji believed cleanliness next only to Godliness, let’s pledge today 2 convert cleanliness into a national passion.”

– Former President Pranab Mukherjee

India that is Bharat is an ancient civilization. It is considered to be a pious nation, its people are very religious. India is consists of people of various faiths; Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Shikhs, Parsis, Jains etc, and they follow their faiths very devotedly. But it is a sad reality of our country that all the cleanliness and piousness is only confined to religious activities or kitchen. We Indians are not concerned about the filth all around us everywhere; anywhere one looks large mounds of dirt will be found.

It’s not in our behaviour to keep our surrounding clean and sanitized. At the most we keep our own houses clean and it is of no concern of ours to be careful about streets, lanes, parks or other public places. Even after 65 years of Independence, it is really shameful that Indians are famous for their unhygienic behaviour.

To take a step ahead toward cleanliness Rotaract Club of JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida, organized a Cleanliness drive in the campus on 3rd October 2017. Volunteers of the club took part in large number in the drive and cleaned the around and nearby area in the campus. Some glimpses are as follows:

Poster Making Competition (Clean India)

“Gandhiji believed cleanliness next only to Godliness, let’s pledge today 2 convert cleanliness into a national passion.”

– Former President Pranab Mukherjee

To spread awareness about cleanliness and educate students on #Swachh Bharat Campaign, Rotaract Club of JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida organized the poster making competition on 6th October 2017 as a part of Cleanliness Drive (3rd to 6th October 2017). Students as well as faculty and staff participated in large numbers. Total 73 students apart from faculty and staff take part in the competition and the winners for the same are as follows:

C Aishwarya (BBA-LLB 1st Year) (First Position)
Suvigya Khanna (BBA-LLB 1st Year) Second Position
Rohit (BBA-LLB 1st Year) Third Position

Debate Competition

An interdepartmental Debate Competition was held at JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida. Rotaract Club of JEMTEC anchored the competition on the following topic:

  • Topic 1: “Women Empowerment is a reason for increasing divorce”
  • Topic 2: “India must keep Rohingya’s Muslim as a refugee or not”

Some of the participants argued for the motion and some against the motion. The audience highly appreciated the debate. At the end of the debate the winners for the debate were as follow:

Topic 1:

Harshita Gandhi (B Tech CS I Sem)
Pragya Sharma (B Tech ECE III Sem)
Pradyuman Kumar (B Tech ME I Sem)

Topic 2:

Padmja Sharma (BBALLB I Sem)
Shaurya Khann (BBALLB I Sem) and Shivam Teotia (B Tech MEI Sem)
Krishnakant Sharma (BBALLB I Sem)

Tree Plantation Drive

"When you're doing exactly what you want to do, it's not tiring. You've been planting these seeds, and finally, you have a full garden in bloom; you're like, 'Oh, I just want to smell the flowers and play among the flowers all day.' That's what I'm doing. I'm playing among the flowers."

By “Colman Domingo”

Keeping the above quote in mind Rotaract Club of JEMTEC, greater Noida organised a Tree Plantation drive on October 6, 2017 in the campus in association with Rotary Club of Delhi Nirvana. Volunteers in huge number take part in the drive and 300+ plants was planted successfully.

National Unity Day- Pledge

“I solemnly pledge that I dedicate myself to preserve the unity, integrity and security of the nation and also strive hard to spread this message among my fellow countrymen. I take this pledge in the spirit of unification of my country which was made possible by the vision and actions of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. I also solemnly resolve to make my own contribution to ensure internal security of my country.”

Blood Donation Camp

Rotaract Club of JEMTEC and Round Table India (DART 130) organised an Annual Blood Donation Camp in collaboration with Rotary Blood Bank, Tughlakabad New Delhi on 10th November 2017. The camp begun at 10:00 am with short inauguration and motivational thoughts of Mr. Amit Gupta (Hon'ble Chairman of JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus) and Dr. R K Raghuwanshi (Director JEMTEC). 250+ donors came forward to donate blood which includes Faculty, non teaching staff, students and non student donors for a noble cause, at the end 135 units of blood was collected.

Camp was coordinated by Mr. Nitin Tyagi (Faculty advisor ROTARACT Club of JEMTEC), Mr. Chandra Shekher Singh, Mr Ram Jatan Yadav, Mr. Dhruv (Faculty Coordinators ROTARACT Club of JEMTEC) and they were further assisted by 55 volunteers of the club.